OVMoD’s Teen Science Café is part of a national network of similar programs. All Cafés are run by teens, for teens, with support from an adult facilitator. Cafés offer participants the opportunity to interact in a small group setting with a STEAM professional in our community. Plus, there’s always free food!
Teen Science Cafe canceled February 6! Keep looking back for future Teen Science Cafes.
Future Science Cafes are currently scheduled the first Thursday of every month through May. This includes March 6, April 3, and May 1.
Past Guests:
Dr. Sarah Adkins
Learn About Medications and Free Pharmacy

Dr. Jean Forney
Bodies are Cool: Translational Science in Body Image and Eating Behaviors

Drs. Bela Bhatt-Koshal and Vipin Koshal
Dr. Sumit Sharma
Dr. Julie Suhr
Dr. Julie Owens
Dr. Justin Frantz
Dr. Timothy Anderson
Dr. John Kopchick
The Nature Conservancy
Pauline Phillips
The Community Makerspace

Dr. Doug Goetz
Development of Therapeutics that Target Rogue Messengers

Dr. Mark Lucas
Seeing the Invisible: Experimental Physics

Dr. Nancy Stevens
Exploring environmental change through time: Tales from the field to the laboratory to the classroom and beyond

Dr. Jennifer Hines
RNA alphabet soup and how we use it to find new medicines

Coral Wedel

Joe Brehm

Dr. Ryan Fogt

Hannah Rastatter

Meredith Fitschen-Brown

Dr. Ricky Okello

Dr. Nina Adjanin

Sign up to receive reminders about future Teen Science Cafés:
led by teens, for teens!
- locally organized but nationally recognized and supported by the National Science Foundation
- provide a way for teens to have discussions and participate in activities with scientists and STEM (& STEAM!) professionals
- FREE programs with FREE FOOD!